Hi All! It’s exactly one week today since my last post. I am doing great, still have my allergy but I am much better now. It’s getting warmer and humid here in O.R. This morning, we decided it is time for our air conditioner to start doing it job again. The heat is just unbearable and yet more to come as summer is approaching.
Nothing much is going on here in O.R. I was as usual busy with Billy and house chores, of course. Since the weather is warmer and Billy is now allergy free, I let him play outside more. Most of the time, if we were on the porch where his sand and water box are, I would drag my laptop with, do my internet thingy while keeping on eyes on him. It works pretty good for me. Sound very much like an internet addict mommy, huh! Okay, maybe should say a creative and multi tasking mommy …..haha!
On Saturday, I had a pretty bad headache. Thank God, it was gone after some meds and nice rest and we were able to attend the noon Mass service on Sunday. Glad we made it to the church as it was Fr. William Oruko last Sunday Mass. He is leaving to his home country tomorrow. Have a nice trip, Father William! After church we went straight to the store to buy a 'good-bye' card for him.
On Monday, Billy and I went shopping at the mall while dear hubby run to the lab for some quick work. It has been a while since just the two of us went shopping without dear hubby. Billy behaved extremely well, no complaint at all. I was enjoying the shopping, text dear hubby to take as much time in the lab so I could shop more….haha! So there I was shopping away from 12.30pm – 4.30pm. I bought 3 blouse for myself, 2 shirts for dear hubby, and 5 for Billy. Not bad for 4 hours shopping, huh!
Wow... you sure did have a great weekend Hilda. I can see Billy is having so much fun being a helper :)
Billy already grown up ya and can help mommy to water the plants. Hahaha
wah!!! Billy so cute! Everytime I look at him, I hope my bb in future will be cute like that!
Wahh, shopped for 4 hours straight! Tak sakit kaki kah?
Looks like you did have a nice long weekend! Nice update:) 4 hours shopping? Boleh tahan ko ni!
Wow.. I am so glad you are doing great now. Billy is so cute that I wanted to hug him so tight ;0 You must be lucky having him ;0
Thanks Dora. Yes, I had a nice weekend. It was so nice to shop peacefully without dear hubby keep urging to be hurry etc. :-)
Yeah! He is growing up so fast. Now tukang siram garden already...hehe! Thanks for stopping by Suesue.
Thanks Jen! Don't worry Jen. I bet your baby will be so cute as he/her mommy+daddy. :D
Haha.....crazy kan! Sure, penat sekali but puas hati eh! On the way home we stopped by at the grocery store and I talked my hubby to let us wait in the car while he went in for some groceries shopping. Buruk kan....haha!
Thanks Dina. I hope you had a great one too. Berabislah bah saya, macam tiada esok lagi, shopped from Belk, Sears, JCP & Goody's....haha....nakal kan.
Hey Hye,
Thank you for stopping by. Yes, he is our blessing. Thanks Hye. Big hugs from Billy.
Wow good idea kasih tuang air and pasir dlm box for kids to play at the porch..I should do that too hehehe..nanti sia pigi korek pasir dulu..good idea! ah so nice seeing Billy playing nicely alone..shopping kau dayang? Its a good therapy right? LOL..
Yabah Luthie, it's much cheaper that way. Mau beli sand box tu mahal eh. So terpaksalah meng-kreatif-kan diri....hihi!
Aduh....boring juga tu dia main sendiri, Luthie.. Wish dia ada satu kawan or 2 or 3 orang would be great!!!!!
wah bestnya shopping 4 hours..ada sponsor lagi tu..hehe.. Kesian Billy play on his own.. time to have a sibling lah tu kan..
bah Hilda, rajin rajin turun ke ladang, Billy needs siblings to play with sudah tu hehehe..I am glad my boys enjoy sudah playing together..galangas sama galangas!
Hahaha...rajin-rajin turun padang, Luthie! Lama inda dengar ni ayat eh. Bah, mau juga kalau dapat kawan dia ni but macam malas sudah pula kalau fikir-fikir balik. But kalau dua ada juga kawan kan....mmmm.
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