While we were at the checkout, I remember have not gotten one thing in my list (LOL) and went back for it. When I got back at the counter, dear hubby was having a conversation with a Phillipino couple. They were asking him about the durian. I thought they were curios of him buying a durian because not so many western like durian. The conversation goes something like this:-
The Hubby; Is it good?
Dear Hubby; No. It’s stunk. But my wife likes it. She is from Malaysia. (By the time, I reached the counter)
The Hubby; Bad? Like a fish?
Dear Hubby; Oh no, worse than that. It smell like something went bad, very bad. (All of us laugh out loud including the checkout guy.)
I asked the couple if they eat durian and the wife says she does. She agreed with me that durians are really yummy. They have durian trees in some part of the Philippines too.
Wow sadap tu Durian oh Hilda.....enjoy kau ah, did Billy have a taste of it too?
LOL I love your attitude! Go for it! ;-) I've never heard of durian. It sounds interesting.
rupa2nya..ada juga pulak durian kena jual sana..ok lah bah kan...boleh melepaskan 'rindu' once a year :lol:
EEEE SEDAP NYA!!!! I dah lama tak makan durian. My babe dun really like it. So, I oso seldom eat but I am thinking buying some this weekend! DROOL!!!!
LOL! They say durian stinks to high heavens! They just don't get it that durian is the "King of Tropical Fruit"!:) I never bought one from the Thai grocery store here. Michael wrinkles his nose:)
LOL, my hubby suka pulak durian Hilda. He pandai mengidam, terus pigi cari di Asian store. The frozen one is not as good as the fresh one kan , but at least something when you are craving for it.
I am so lucky that my hubby loves durian just as much as I do. Before he even tried it, I warned him that not many people especially the "whites" like it... but he said he's gonna try it anyways... Nah, terus bah dia jatuh cinta with durians... LOL. I miss durians... we do have them for sale here at the Asian grocery store but we prefer the fresh ones... Thanks Hilda for sharing... taapun :)
Hi Joan,
Sadap eh! But sikit saja isi dia...haha tamaha lagi tu. Nope, Billy does not like it. So sendiri sajalah sia makan....hihi!
Thanks Lin. Yeah, we have to be fair to each other. :-)
Hi Phil, yah ada juga kena jual di some Asian store. Tapi mahal dan frozen pula tu. Nasib rasa dia inda juga hilang. Yah, sia dapatlah makan satu biji….doi!
Haha Jen, did I make you drool? Sadap ee. Wah, your babe tidak suka durian. Why is that, Jen? Rasa dia or bau dia?
Yabah Dina, hairan kan. Kenapa kita cium bau dia dengan very nice dan diorang disebaliknya. My hubby ada try juga dulu but after satu bite terus dia surrender. Inda sudah dia mau.
Oh yeah, you are soooooo lucky your hubby loves durian, Joyce!!! Itulah sia nampak pic dia makan durian tu di kampung kan, aduh sia betul-betul impress oh. Jarang sekali nampak western suka tu durian, let alone makan durian. Dia pula yang mengidam makan….haha….so cute. I don’t blame him………haha!
Aduh aduh Dora. Sama macam si Joyce punyalah bah lucky inda payah mau susah-susah hide durian dr hubby. Itulah sia fikir kalau diorg cuba makan, palan2 hayati itu rasa kan, mesti jatuh cinta punyalah kan…..haha! Mungkin my hubby talampau concentrate on the odor mangkali sampai inda terasa itu durian. (LOL) Okay juga itu frozen durian Dora. Almost macam yang segar. Bulihlah! But mesti mau kasih thaw dulu lah.
Odoi Hilda... ada funny story I want to share about my hubby. One time we were driving around at Beverly Hills di Bundusan Penampang kan (I used to own an apartment there). Jadi si David nampak itu satu mini lorry yg jual durian, sia pura-pura tidak nampak cos I didn't want him to buy and put those fruits in my "Kembara".. cos itu bau tidak pandai hilang tu. But dia mati-mati cakap... "there's someone selling durian overthere, let's go check it out" kah. Sia pura-pura lagi tanya.. "where, those are not durians"... tapi he insisted so terpaksalah kami pigi tengok. Om dia bilang, "see, I told you it's durians" kah. Odoi.. om dia beli lima biji tu cos dia mau share with my family lagi... nah, apa lagi itu bau in my kereta lasted for months bah... I tell you, David loves durian, rambutans, even bambangan... LOL.
Wow, that looks less than apetizing, so I am not going to run out and buy any anytime soon. And it smells bad too?
Dia cakap BAU! Tapi kalau fresh dari pokok and kuningx2, wah dia yang makan habis-habisan! hhmpff!
Haha Dora...sikit punya funny kau ni. Buat-buat inda tau lagi tu, mati sia ketawa sini....haha. Siannya si David semangat betul, kawan pura2 inda tau lagi tu, sekalinya sampai 5 biji, memang semerbak wangilah your car. :-)
Punya sioknya bah dia makan semua, my hubby rambutan pun inda dia berapa tu. Bambangan lagi...adui...demamlah gaman sia ni....haha!
Yeah, it sure looks less appetizing ...hihi. But it taste really yummy. Asian people called it the King of The Fruits. Hmmmmmm....my hubby says it smell really-really bad. But for me and most Asian people, it smell really good....haha.
Oh....I see. Tak apa Jen. You boleh makan lebih....haha! Meany me.
Hi Hilda :)
The Durian looks good juga oo considering kana import. It's kind of musim durian here now too. Been having it for 3 days now cos my mum a gr8t fan hehe.
Hi Flodawn,
Yah...okay juga masih rasa dia. Durian Thailand tu. Maybe lepas ambil terus diorang freeze kali. Tapi inda banyak pilihan, selalu dalam 4/5 biji saja pastu semua pun besar2. Wah, lucky you! 3 hari sudah...odoii sia tu kan....haha....dari tengah hari kan sia makan sikit2. The last bite, tengah malam...navi noh diii!
Hilda, actually kan diurang punya keju bah, ada orang putih bah kan membaca juga, ada juga kan keju diurang yang bau sekali, mungkin gitulah tu durian smell boleh compare with their keju...
I love keju but ada juga yang very kuat the bau oh, tidak sia tahan...
I like durian. People say durian is the king of fruit, my tongue also taste it nice.
Have a nice day.
Best wishes from coolingstar9
Kalau dulu saya suka sangat durian,but now i don't like it any more tak taulah kalau makan durian saya suka pening kepala. tapi kalau kawan saya aa eman lebih suka makan kulitnya daripada makan buahnya. Katanya supaya tetap nampak muda dan kuat hahahaha...
Oh mungkin betullah tu Joann. Ada betul keju yang macam sour rasa dia dan kuat bau. :-) But kalau banding dengan bau durian, adoooi jauh sekali bah....haha. Meany me. Thanks Joann.
Oh...sorry to hear that TA. Rugilah you. Jahat sekali you TA. Leave Aa alone! Nanti share durian dengan Aa saja, no durian for you. Thanks for dropping by TA.
Hi Coolingstar9,
Yup, durian is really good. I won't give up my durian for any other fruits.
Have a great week Coolingstar9.
Hi Coolingstar9,
Yup, durian is really good. I won't give up my durian for any other fruits.
Have a great week Coolingstar9.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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