I wanted to make at least one post before we leave for our trip but Billy has a fever on Friday. He was a little better on Saturday and we went to Easter Vigil at 7.30pm and did not get home until 9.30pm. After put Billy to bed, I continue my packing and called my family back home to wish them Happy Easter before went off to bed after midnight. That’s midday back home….hihi!
Our trip from Tennessee on Sunday was a little crazy. Yeah, I guess like many people says ‘tired kids + long flight’ is not a very good combination. What more if they are not feeling well. Billy started crying when we were queuing for check in and continue when we board on the plane. :-(
After landed in snow covered Chicago O’Hare Airport about two and a half hours later, dear hubby bought him soup for lunch but it ends up in trash. The only food he takes was his crackers. He did not even want to drink milk. I was happy he slept through halfway of the almost 5 hour's flight from Chicago to San Francisco. Huh! So glad that after this trip, it would be a while before we fly again. On the next conferences in Washington DC in June and later in Pennsylvania in August we are going to drive. It's a long drive but I would enjoy it much better. Dear hubby said he would enjoy it too if he sit on the passenger seat….haha!
Okay, dear hubby and Billy are waking up. More story later. :-)
Billy's mom, no wonder u have been missing for few days! Look forward to more pics in San Francisco!
Enjoy the rest of your trip, Hilda! I hope Billy is better.
Poor Billy, must be tired and lacking of sleep from the journey. I hope he will get better and starting to enjoy the trip!.
Enjoy yourself Hilda.
Haaa, at least you got this time into vacation with Doug's leave. Come cheers up Billy, put your forehead in your mama'shuge. Everything will be just okay, right my hensem grandson? Have a nice trip. Fill the cam with a lot of such lovely pics for Gaby and Amel too.
Get better Billy and I hope you all enjoy the vacation.
Hi Rose,
It's been a week since we got back from the trip. This week was pretty crazy for me. I hope could do more posting next week. :-))
Thanks Dina. You have a wonderful week.
Hi Luthie,
Yeah, it was not a good week for Billy. He was teething pula, not feeling very good plus tired, long flight, aduh sengsara eh. I am so happy we are not going o fly sometimes soon. Thanks Luthie!
Thanks Aa! Yeah, finally we had a break. :-)) Billy is doing okay now. Thanks Aa.
Thank you James.
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