Yeah, finally, spring is here. Happy spring folks! We have a beautiful day today. It's really contrast from yesterday as we had a nasty storm. Heavy rain started at the wee hour until late last night. Thank God, we do not have flood. Unfortunately, some parts in our neighbor states from Missouri, Oklahoma, Ohio, Kentucky and Texas are flooding badly. Missouri got hits the most with 70 counties declared as Federal Disaster Area. It's the worst flooding in 80 years in MO. :-(
Hope our friend, Dina and her family are doing okay. Stay safe Dina!
This week is Billy's fourth week in school. He is doing very well so far. We are so happy with his progress. We are going to meet up with his teacher to talk more about his progress tomorrow morning. I would share more about this later.
Unfortunately, he would miss school for the whole week next week. More on Billy's progress and pics in Billy's Corner.
17 comments: created one blog for Billy juga, that´s nice!. Bah rajin2 meng-update hehe..I will drop by sometimes to see Billy there hehe...
Happy Easter!
Hi Luthie,
Yah, bah kau buatlah satu untuk diorang si Kenneth&Kyle juga. Isi their pics, their progress & whatever lah. Bah buat satu ah.
Mau buat bah Hilda tapi adui..where can I find the time? LOL..satu blog pun kapus kapus mo update haha..but will try one day..siuk jugakan.
Wow spring is here. It is the best weather of the year right?
wow! A new blog totally on Billy? Congrats!!
He is getting used to school by now. Happy to hear that! Now you make me think about my little gal when she is going to play school/kindergarten soon! Hahaha!
Hi Sue,
Many people like spring because it is the end of winter. I think summer is the most liked season. But for me personally, I love autumn. It's the most beautiful time of the year. :-) Thanks Sue.
Thank you Rose. Yeah, double work for me but I thought would be great to have his own site...hihi!
What about one for Little J?
Hihi....yeah, I am happy he really enjoy going to school. :-)
I love spring too! The first day of spring here was nice. Nice and sunny and not chilly. However, it's going to be chilly again today and tomorrow. Thanks for your concern, Hilda. Tidak samapai itu flood to my place. Mostly in the southern suburbs yang kena hit. My boss punya rumah is on top of a hill tapi two roads to his house are are closed. Terpaksa ambil jalan jauh from home to work and back.
Dear Billy's Mom,
Nice to see you and your kid on the net. Normally, we could not provide a platform for kids on this net media. But you are the one person like me to keep them update on the net. Nice to read it. Many kisses to your kid. God bless him with health and wealth.
Secondly, I like this template. Is it possible to send me the download link for the same?
Waiting for your reply....
I am coolingstar9, one of your "my bloglog "friend. come to read your blogs.
You are lucky on your area that no flooding taking place, hope the weathe always fine.
The little Billy miss school for some days, then you have more time with him. He is really cute, i hope i can hug him.
Have a wonderful year and all of you happy, healthy.
Billy's mom,
Billy so cute lar. Look like a lil man! I am imagining my kids will look like that too in the future....
Your son is adorable!! :D
Nice to hear your place inda kena flood Dina. It's look pretty bad.
Nasib semua okay already kan. Thanks Dina.
Hi debudeodhar,
Thank you for stopping by and for the nice wishes for Billy. The same goes to your handsome son. Sorry for the late reply. I post the reply in your blog last week. BTW, I like your son blog. Very nice and well maintain.
Big hug to your handsome son. :-)
Would you like to exchange link? Thank you!
Hi Coolingstar9,
How are you doing? Thank you for stopping by. Sorry for the late reply.
Thank you and thank you for your kind wish. Same goes to you my friend. :-))
Billy send you big hug. :-)
Hi Jen,
Thank you for stopping by. I bet your kids are going to be as cute/ handsome and smart just like their mommy and daddy. :-)
Big hugs for aunty Jen - Billy.
Thank you for stopping by Cindy. Sorry for the late reply. Billy send you kisses and big hug.
You have a wonderful week.
BTW, I like your blog. Would you like to exchange link? Thanks!
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