Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

It’s New Year Eve today. In just several hours we will be in a brand new year and 2008 will be just history. Not sure what the New Year has in store for us but I am hoping that everything will be much better than this year. I have a pretty positive feeling about 2009 and am so looking forward to it.

Looking back at soon to be called ‘last year,' nothing much I can brag off (LOL). 2008 was not a very productive year for us, so definitely not my favorite year. I have a couple of my ‘2008 Goals’ accomplished though, so not totally a bad year for me. Top of all, I got my driving license just on time for holiday shopping(LOL). Talking about the nice thing, this year also, to my surprise, I was able to persuade dear hubby to go on a trip to Chicago and New York City and added to that was a trip to San Francisco. It was not in my goals(LOL) but it was just something sweet especially it happens in the same year. I had wanted to visit those three big cities for so long but unfortunately those were the last places dear hubby would like to visit.

Health was not at best for us either. Billy and I had experiences quite a bad spring allergy and were pretty much sick the whole spring season. I am crossing my fingers it will not be as bad or better more it spares us come spring.

As for Billy, he still has significant delay in speech. He made some good progress though since we enrolled him in school early this year. Next year would be a very exciting year for him and us as well. Other than our big trip, Billy is going to a new preschool end of February. New school means a new environment, new teachers and of course new peers too. Hopefully he will not have any problem adapting to his new school.

Lastly, I would like to share my New Year’s Resolutions with everyone. I have just three main resolutions this New Year, to be the best mom for Billy, to do better on my spiritual journey and to improve my writing. Wish me luck!



InobonG ProPer said...

Good Luck with the new resolutions. I'm sure you can do it!

A blessed and prosperous New Year to you, Doug and Billy!

God Bless!

Anies Azeera said...

Nice pics Hilda.

Wishing you happiness, prosperity and continued success. Happy 2009!

Rose world said...

Hope not to late to greet u a Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Hilda, Dough and Billy!. Ini gambar masa pigi bali Christmas tree kah? hehehe...itu spek mata hitam kau tida pernah kau lupa kahn? hehehe....

Hope new year brings love, peace, happiness, good health and semua yg bagus bagus lah to us all!.

phone sia before you fly to Msia kio!.



Anonymous said...

Hi cuz, happy new year to you! God Bless..hope to see you here in sabah..

JenJen's Place said...

I know abit late but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

KristyCK said...

Thank you Phil. Happy New Year to you too. :-)

KristyCK said...

Thank you Anies. Happy New Year. May God bless you. :-)

KristyCK said...

Thanks Rose. Happy New year to you too.

KristyCK said...

Hahaha Luthie....yup, that's my silly photo gray glasses. It turned dark when it is really cold. So sudahlah gelap tambah lagi gelap but inda pakai lagilah kabur...haha!

Thanks Luthie. Happy New Year to you. Wishing you joy, health and prosperity dan semua yang bagus-bagus lah as you said. :-)


KristyCK said...

Happy New Year Shirl. Sure! I will email you sometimes soon, kio.


KristyCK said...

Happy New Year Jen! :-)