Thursday, May 29, 2008

Strawberry Plant!

My hubby has given me a nice surprise when he came home for lunch today. He bought a strawberry plant for me. I am pretty excited about it. Not really sure where I am going to plant it yet. Perhaps, I am going to plant it in one of my big pot as the one I plant earlier did not seem to make it.

I did plant strawberries root in these pots about two months ago. Looks like there is no sign of any plants to come out anytime soon. :-(

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Our Long Weekend!

Billy helping dada water the plants.

Hi All! It’s exactly one week today since my last post. I am doing great, still have my allergy but I am much better now. It’s getting warmer and humid here in O.R. This morning, we decided it is time for our air conditioner to start doing it job again. The heat is just unbearable and yet more to come as summer is approaching.

Mommy's little helper.

Nothing much is going on here in O.R. I was as usual busy with Billy and house chores, of course. Since the weather is warmer and Billy is now allergy free, I let him play outside more. Most of the time, if we were on the porch where his sand and water box are, I would drag my laptop with, do my internet thingy while keeping on eyes on him. It works pretty good for me. Sound very much like an internet addict mommy, huh! Okay, maybe should say a creative and multi tasking mommy …..haha!

On Saturday, I had a pretty bad headache. Thank God, it was gone after some meds and nice rest and we were able to attend the noon Mass service on Sunday. Glad we made it to the church as it was Fr. William Oruko last Sunday Mass. He is leaving to his home country tomorrow. Have a nice trip, Father William! After church we went straight to the store to buy a 'good-bye' card for him.

On Monday, Billy and I went shopping at the mall while dear hubby run to the lab for some quick work. It has been a while since just the two of us went shopping without dear hubby. Billy behaved extremely well, no complaint at all. I was enjoying the shopping, text dear hubby to take as much time in the lab so I could shop more….haha! So there I was shopping away from 12.30pm – 4.30pm. I bought 3 blouse for myself, 2 shirts for dear hubby, and 5 for Billy. Not bad for 4 hours shopping, huh!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I Feel So Bad!

There is something bothering me in this past week. I just cannot get it out of my head. Deep in my heart, I feel pretty guilty. Not sure if I have done the right thing but guess it does not matter anymore. How I wish had done otherwise so it did not come to hunt me back.

Okay, here is the story. Last week, just a couple of days before we went on our trip, a guy in his early 20’s, came and knocked on my door. Normally, I would not open the door for strangers especially when dear hubby is not around. But since the guy saw me from the porch,(sitting in front of my computer, of course) thought it was rude for just ignored him while we were staring at each other, so I decided to open the door and talked to him through the screen door.

He introduced himself as one of our neighbors, living just a few blocks away from us. I have never seen him before but it's a vast neighborhood. He told me his heartbreaking story, his mother has just passed away and he is trying to make a buck for her funeral by doing odd jobs. How sad was that? He asked me if he could cut our lawn. But dear hubby just mowed the lawn two days earlier. He then looked at our yard and say he could pick the sticks or if I have any other job for him.

I was speechless and nervous. Just say sorry about his mother and sorry for I do not have any job for him. Actually I want to just give him some money but not sure if I have any small cash (or any cash at all) in my purse. I do not want to make him wait at the door with some hope but then return with nothing. That's very mean. So I just say sorry, I have nothing for him. The poor guy said it’s okay and left.

I felt so bad after he left. What if he was sincerely trying to make some money for that particular reason? A few bucks could make a big different for him. So I decided to do what I feel was right, grab my purse, took out $10 (that’s the most I would give) and waited if I see him again. He might walk on the same street on his way back. Unfortunately, I have not seen him again.

So that’s the story. I know there was also a chance that he might have made up thing to get an easy money. But he was not asking for free money but work to earns it. So most likely he was very sincere. If he were doing it to go to college maybe I would not feel that bad, but man, this guy was trying to make money for his mother’s funeral. And to make it worse, it was just a couple of days before Mother’s Day. I wish had the guts to just tell him to wait and see what I can find in my purse. If only I had given him something even if a couple of bucks, I might not feel that bad. God, I feel so guilty. Am I too hard on myself?