Monday, January 28, 2008

Mom Dies, Refused Cancer Treatment to Save Baby's Life

This is a heartbreaking story. I guess that's what love is all about. May God bless her soul.
A mother from the U.K. died just weeks after refusing cancer treatment so that she could save the life of her unborn baby, the Daily Mail reports.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Amazing young Organ Player Rocks Out

Young girl Rocks out "Carry on" by Kansas on the church organ to the tune of Carry on My Wayward Sun by Kansas. Amazing!!!!

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Five Things/People I Love and Hate

Rose World has been tagged me on "Five things/People I Love and Hate". Thank you, Rose. I better do this one right away....hihi!

Okay, here you go ;

Five Things/People I Love;

1. My Family

2. The Almighty ( Who loves me unconditionally )

3. My Laptop

4. Friends that always stand by me.

5. Good Food

Five Things/People I Hate

1. Rude and thoughtless people especially towards elderly and women.

2. People who like to take advantages on others.

3. Frogs ( Yikes! ).

4. People who smoke in front of me.

5. Traffic jam.

Now I am passing the tag to my dear friend, Luth-Schwandorfer.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Two ice-related deaths; Knox on 2-hour delay

My hubby e-mailed me from work this morning, telling me he saw a truck involved in a very bad accident just ahead of the gate to the lab(ORNL). He said it looks really bad as the truck got 'T boned'. Later he was told that someone from the lab was involved in that accident and lost his life. So sad. Our heart goes to the family. May God bless his soul.

We had a nasty weather since Monday evening but never thought it was really bad until we watched the news this afternoon. :-(

Icy road caused hundreds of other wrecks around the area, including more than 350 smashups in Knoxville and Knox County alone. Knoxville police worked 232 wrecks from 6:30-10 a.m. when the black ice was at its worst.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Time Lapse Photos of a Triplets Pregnancy

Aww! Have a look at the sweet peas at the end. They are adorable. Congratulations to the beautiful mother.

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