Wednesday, December 26, 2007

An Extra Special Christmas

It's the day after Christmas today. Hope everyone has an extra special Christmas this year and always. We did and I know my family back home has one too. There are many-many reasons why it's an extra special for us. Just to mentions a few, this actually is the first Christmas we celebrated as a family of three. Last year Billy and I celebrated Christmas with my parents and my family members in Malaysia. Hubby made a really big sacrificed to let Billy celebrated his first Christmas with his grandma and grandpa and our relatives in Malaysia. Thank you for your big heart honey.

Another reasons was my brother (the only brother) and his family were home this Christmas. They have been away for many-many Christmas but they made it home for good just before Christmas this year. What is more wonderful than having your loves one that been away for so long on Christmas day? Even though we were not there to celebrate Christmas with them but we felt and share the joy and happiness in our heart.

For every big and small thing, for all the chances given in life, all the wonderful things happened in our life, there are always reasons to thank the Almighty God.

Hope the joy and the spirit of Christmas will remains in everyone's heart all year long and always. :-)

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