Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year 2008!

It's only a couple hours before we say good-bye to the year 2007 and welcome in New Year 2008. I would like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!!!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Our Christmas Tree Made it After Christmas

Hard to believed our Christmas tree made it all the way after Christmas. Of course it was a fun whole month of constant Billy get away from the tree! Billy leave the tree alone!, Billy please put the ornament back!, no Bill, it's not a toy! Etc. I am not complaining.... hihi! Poor one, he just can't resist, as everything are fascinating for him and it's the age of exploring the world.

The Christmas tree farm.

Nice trees.

Ahaaah! Thats the one!.

Done the cutting job...poor tree.

We were so disappointed Billy wasn't feeling well the day we wanted to get our Christmas tree. So Billy and I missed all the fun of looking and selecting and of course cutting down the tree. Hubby had all the fun by himself. Anyway, hubby did a good job, nice picked hon.

Hubby putting the Christmas tree stand.

Billy's first real Christmas tree.

Fascinated by the Christmas tree

Billy got busted, again!


Sorry mommy!

Our silly goose

Engrossed with the shiny Christmas ornament.

Our little explorer.

Overall, I still say Billy was pretty good with the Christmas tree's ornaments and lights. He got fascinated with the lights only on the first week. Unfortunate for the Christmas tree's ornaments though. By the end of second weeks, we had 5 or 6 ornaments end up in the trash. Oh well, mommy needs a new one anyway. Good reasons to get new ornaments LOL!

I am just looking at it.

I will put it back when I am done mommy.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Before and After Christmas

This year just like every Christmas my darling hubby handled all the cooking on both Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Okay, I admit he is a better cook than me. So he did all the cooking and I helped with cleaning and the dishes. That's an easy job for wifey. Thanks to the dishwasher ...haha!

Anyway, hubby made oysters stew which was our regular menu on Christmas Eve. Hubby says it's his family's Christmas Eve traditional menu.

Hubby's Christmas Eve traditional menu - Oysters stew.


The oyster’s stew turned out really good. Hubby did a great job. The first time I ate oysters stew was about 6 years ago, I think it was strange. I love oysters but prefer it in curry. So I thought what about Asian special oyster curry for a change next time. The next Christmas Eve I took over the cooking job and cooked curry oysters but its turned out not as good as I expected. LOL! Since that I decided to let him in charge of the big cooking...hihi!

Whooopsy, wrong spoon.

Yum yum.

It's cost only $7 each.

On Christmas day, we invited our friend and Doug's colleague, Dr. Padmaja for dinner. She brought one big yummy cake, thanks Padma. And thank you for the nice Christmas present for Bill too.

Billy with our our friend, Dr. Padma.

Billy was so excited to see his aunt Padma.

Aunt Padma, can you help me unwrap my present?

Okay, I'm gonna do it myself.

I did it!! Aahah! Pete the repeat parrot! Thank you aunt Padma.

Chef in action.

Yummy roast duck

Hubby's sweet potatoes candy.

Simple but yummy dinner

Thank you for the big Christmas cake, Padma.

Our Nativity and fireplace.

The dinner was great. Once again hubby did a great job. The duck was really good; the sweet potatoes candy was nice too. (I used to skip the sweet potatoes candy because it's extremely sweet). After dinner we just relaxing in front of the fireplace, had some cake and watched movie. Thank you for being our guest Padma. We enjoyed your company. :=)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

An Extra Special Christmas

It's the day after Christmas today. Hope everyone has an extra special Christmas this year and always. We did and I know my family back home has one too. There are many-many reasons why it's an extra special for us. Just to mentions a few, this actually is the first Christmas we celebrated as a family of three. Last year Billy and I celebrated Christmas with my parents and my family members in Malaysia. Hubby made a really big sacrificed to let Billy celebrated his first Christmas with his grandma and grandpa and our relatives in Malaysia. Thank you for your big heart honey.

Another reasons was my brother (the only brother) and his family were home this Christmas. They have been away for many-many Christmas but they made it home for good just before Christmas this year. What is more wonderful than having your loves one that been away for so long on Christmas day? Even though we were not there to celebrate Christmas with them but we felt and share the joy and happiness in our heart.

For every big and small thing, for all the chances given in life, all the wonderful things happened in our life, there are always reasons to thank the Almighty God.

Hope the joy and the spirit of Christmas will remains in everyone's heart all year long and always. :-)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday!

We would like to wish everyone a merry and blessed Christmas and happy holiday. Hope you have a safe and wonderful one. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Best Wishes From,
The Knights
Oak Ridge, TN.

No White Christmas For Us

Look like there are no chances for us to have a white Christmas this year. I don't know if the Tennessian ever had a white Christmas as since we moved here almost two years ago, we only had flurries several times but it's barely covered the ground. Last week we had flurries on and off the whole day Sunday. And again there is a little white flake on the ground. I like snow once in a while but not my hubby. He is so happy living here in Tennessee, as winter is pretty mild compare to his hometown. Poor hubby says he's sick of winter.

So no white Christmas for us this year. I am just hoping it won't be rain on Christmas day so we can go to Church in the morning. Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Great Tennessee Marijuana Cave

Nowadays people are willing to do unimaginable things to be able to live a luxury life. These people are pretty smart but unfortunately they use their brain to do something against the law.....gheeesh! It's amazing how organised they were but not anymore!

Within the caves of middle Tennessee, growers constructed a complex of offices, living quarters, restroom facilities, and a climate-controlled forest of over one thousand cannabis plants.

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Giant Rat Discovered in Indonesia Jungle

I love this story.
Researchers in a remote Indonesian jungle have discovered a giant rat that is about five times the size of a typical city rat and a tiny possum.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The New Millionaires- You Will Be Surprised

Watch as a new breed of millionaires is born - window washers. Hilarious! Is it really possible to make millions with just doing that? Hmmmm.... probably not a millionaire but enough to get you live comfortably especially if you live in the big city and by yourself. :-) I better go get my bucket and water bottle ready. Whoooops, gonna need some small towels too.....haha!

read more | digg story

Saturday, December 15, 2007

There's Still Nice People Out There

I received this in my email sometimes ago and it brought tears to my eyes...hihi! Now you know I am a touchy one. But ain't it great to know there are still wonderful people out there?

This is one of the kindest things I've ever experienced. I have no way to know who sent it, but there is a beautiful soul working in the dead letter office of the US postal service.

Our 14 year old dog, Abbey, died last month. The day after she died, my 4 year old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought we could so she dictated these words:

Dear God,

Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in heaven.
I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick. I hope you will play with her. She likes to play with balls and to swim. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her. You will know that she is my dog. I really miss her.

Love, Meredith.

We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith and addressed it to God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office. A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.

Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, "To Meredith , " in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called, "When a Pet Dies." Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope. On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:

Dear Meredith,

Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help. I recognized Abbey right away. Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in, so I am sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by.
Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you. I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much.

By the way, I'm easy to find, I am wherever there is love.


What a beautiful story. God bless the beautiful soul, Meredith and her mom as well.
Thanks for sharing the wonderful story.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Children Ho Ho Ho Party

Last Sunday Billy was invited to a Children Christmas Party in Knoxville. That was his very 1st Christmas party. The place was quite huge and they have a big dance floor that never empty the whole two hours the party went on. There were about 60 or so children in the party. It's fun to see the children including Billy dancing while some were just exploring the big floor…. LOL!

She tried a couple of time to get Billy to dance with her. Isn’t she adorable?

Hmmm, wish I had one of that at home. Maybe that was what he had in mind. LOL!

They are cheering for Billy.

One little girl tried to hold his hands a couple time and get him dancing with her but he refused. He just ignored her and kept dancing. It’s hilarious.

But minutes later he showed off his little dance to a group of young girls. They clapped and dance with him. Oh boy, does he loves being in the middle of attention. LOL! Unfortunately I only managed to get a few shots before my camera battery went dead. :-(

Glad we came to the party despite bad weather the whole day. Billy had tremendous fun dancing, took pic with santa and met lots of new friends.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It’s been a long week.

Aaah! I've been neglected my blog for almost two weeks. :-(
It was quite hard weeks for me. One of my family member's back home was pretty sick but thank God I got great news this morning. So happy to hear he is feeling better today. Doctor assured them he would fully recovered with just taking meds continuously, it will take a while but he is recovering. What a wonderful news. :-) Thank God.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Having so much fun, eh!

Caught on camera by mommy. My little darling just don't care about the candies as he was busy dancing. LOL!! Oak Ridge 2007 Christmas Parade.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Congratulations Dr Chad Magee!

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CONGRATULATIONS Dr Chad Magee for successfully depended your dissertation last Friday. We are so happy for you. So now the hard part was over, you need a long vacation. What about a trip to Tenn.? I am up to the Monopoly’s challenge now. LOL!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Our Thanksgiving Trip (2)

After the quick morning shopping with Steve, we drove to hubby’s hometown. The town looks a little different from the last time we went there three years ago. They have new hotels and pretty soon they gonna have a big casino in Clinton’s west side. The casino’s construction is already in progress. We definitely will check it out when we come back to visit next time, hooray!!! Anyway, we managed to see hubby’s eldest sister, Cindy and her lovely daughter, Elizabeth. It was really nice to see you guys.

Can I play with it?

I am ready to go, mom.


Done with our routine 'old neighborhoods tour', we went to Eagle Point Park, another must go place whenever we are in town. It's situated on top of a high bluff (much as its counterpart in Dubuque). I love this beautiful park. Overlooking the Mississippi River and General Zebulon Pike Lock and Dam, the views are spectacular. Pics tell it all.


Spectacular view

Saturday night, we went out for dinner with Pam and Steve. This time we went to Mexican restaurant for a change. Personally, I think it was the best Mexican restaurant I have been so far. The food was great and the price is really reasonable too. I would rate it 9 out of 10. And they have live Mexican band too. I am not sure if they play every night or just on the weekend. But they surely are so entertaining. Oh yeah, the restaurant name is Azteca. :-)

Do we have to go out again?

Bill and Georgia.

As I wrote in my post earlier, our trip back to Oak Ridge was pretty harsh. We drove mostly in the rain and snow and some sleet too. I mean all the way from Rock Island to Indiana. We stay overnight in Greenwood, Indiana and continued our journey home the next day. And yes, it was still raining until we reached Oak Ridge. Anyway, other than the ‘not so nice’ weather, the trip was great. We had a wonderful time. Steve and Pam, thank you for your hospitality.

Pretty nasty, huh!